Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Bible Is Not Hate Speech

By Cheryl Ingram

If Oprah Winfrey has her way Universalism will dominate religious discourse. By advent of her extreme popularity and influence now even in the political arena, Christians may be shamed into accepting her worldview or at least to be silent about their own. She called Barack Obama "The One" and helped propel him to the White House.

Longtime friends, Barack and Michelle Obama, agree with her that there are many "paths" to the "Universe," which is the metaphysical term for "God" or "Higher Power." While the Obama's claim Christ as their own path, their former pastor, and Oprah's pastor for awhile, The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, not only taught them the scripturally incorrect doctrine of black liberation theology, but also taught that Jesus is NOT the only way of salvation, that there is no hell, and that homosexuals will go to heaven even if actively practicing their lifestyle. Oprah moved on from the church and pursued the New Age philosophies that she now preaches from her television and radio programs and the Oprah magazine.

Once of Oprah's sources of truth is A Course in Miracles. It purports that sin is fictitious. This concept makes room for behaving however one sees fit. This is relativism of a moral nature. What you call sin may not be sin to me. Therefore, a woman's right to choose is more powerful than the baby's right to live in her womb.

The Bible is not vague concerning the issues of the right of the unborn child, the act of homosexuality, or cohabitation. Scriptures relating to these vital Christian standards are not based on "obscure" passages of scripture as Barack Obama has stated in his book, The Audacity of Hope. Yet, the ideology of Oprah and Obama is pervading our culture with a vengeance. Traditional Christianity is perceived by these proponents as backward, out of touch, and unintelligent. By the mere fact of a media or political person's powerful communication abilities, Christians are being deceived and shamed into silence or compliance.

In my new book, The Oprahfication of Our Culture, I call this quietude cultural Christianity. It is time for Christians to avoid compromise by standing up as "uncultured" Christians. This is not the time for Christians to retreat into the alleys of the world and pray for the best. Stand up for what is right! Speak up and having done all to stand, keep standing! Don't be manipulated into quietude.

Are we still a center/right country or are we moving more toward the radical left in idealism? Three states, California, Arizona and Florida, just affirmed conservative values by passing constitutional amendments supporting traditional marriage as being between a man and a woman, a real blow to the homosexual lobby. Yet, lawsuits have been initiated in California to try and override the will of the people. Is a pastor open game for litigation by activists who dare him to quote the Bible from his pulpit, because their view of scripture is that of "hate speech?" Does the Bible violate certain perceived civil rights? Do those civil rights trump the freedom of speech and of religion we have enjoyed for over two hundred years in our great country? Where are we headed in America?

It looks like the prophet Isaiah discerned this interval in our history when he said, Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20 The Amplified Bible

Things seem to be taking a 180 degree turn. Followers of Christ are characterized as hate mongering dogmatists for simply varying from "politically correct" views of the cultural aristocracy in New York, Washington and Hollywood. In spite of these very forthright, well capitalized, extremist, left inclined voices, Christians are advised to be watchmen on the wall and sound the alarm (Mark 13:35-37). The Bible is not hate speech. It is the archetype of righteousness in an progressively decaying world. Be not silent. Observe, pray, and communicate. Stand up for truth. - 17564

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